The Secret about Failure and Success for O Level English

"Failure is the mother of Success."

For those of you who have heard this saying at least a hundred times in your life, you are not alone.

Some look at this saying as a form of consolation for failure. However, we like to think of failure in a different way:

"The faster you fail, the faster you can succeed."

This means that failure is essential. This means that failure is a rite of passage which you must go through in order to attain success. If you managed to attain success without any failure, perhaps you just got lucky on the first try. But on the big scale of things, you need to make your mistakes before you can truly learn from them. Which is why you need to endeavor to make as many mistakes as you possibly can.

Remember, this is not about avoiding failure. This is about chalking up as many failures as you require, in order to attain success.