"Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"
-Lao Tzu
A lot of parents and students ask if it is possible to transform a poor grade for O Level English to an excellent grade. The answer is yes; but provided these 3 practices are observed:
Consistent Practice
English (as a subject) is not something which you can improve overnight. However, given consistent practice, it is possible to jump from a B/C grade to an A grade in a matter of 2 months.
Proper Guidance
In order to see 'super-normal' improvement, students must have excellent guidance. Practising and learning alone has its limitations and these limitations are most pertinent when it comes to improving for O Level English.
Some students simply do not see the importance of O Level English and choose to put it at the lower ranks of priority. However, once you realise that your O Level English grade can potentially make or break your entire L1R5 score, motivation will be easy to find.
For those of you still hovering around an average grade for O Level English, it is not too late. You can attend this crash course to get REAL O Level Results