O Level English Oral 2013: Quick Tips
As a quick heads-up, the 2013 O Level English Oral Exam will no longer have a dedicated 'Picture Discussion'. Here are 3 quick tips which you can use to improve your performance for O Level English Oral:
1. Get in a talkative mode before your turn. This is important as you would need to warm-up for a bit before you can perform at an optimal level.
2. Make sure that you take a glance at the visual stimulus before you start practising on the reading passage. This sounds really obvious, but you will be surprised at the number of student who make this mistake.
3. Use sincere and genuine stories for the 'Spoken Interaction' Segment. We like it when a candidate is able to talk about 'everyday' topics in an exciting and thoughtful manner. Not every story has to involve diffusing a nuclear bomb (e.g. James Bond).
For those of you still hovering around an average grade for O Level English Oral, the is still time to improve for the 2013 examinations. There will be a crash course which you can attend at www.OLevelEnglish.com